The Good Hawk


Kniha: The Good Hawk - 1. vydanie
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Kniha: The Good Hawk

If everything was taken from you, what would you do to get it back?Agatha patrols the sea wall with pride, despite those in her clan who question her right to be there, because of the condition she was born with. Jaime is a reluctant Angler, full of self-doubt and afraid of the sea. When disaster strikes, the pair must embark on a terrifying journey to a land where forgotten magic and dark secrets lurk in every shadow...Thrilling and dark, yet rich with humour and compassion, this novel marks the debut of a wonderful new voice in fantasy and a welcome new kind of protagonist - perfect for fans of The Girl of Ink and Stars, Garth Nix and Michelle Paver. "A story fantasy-loving young readers may not even know they've been waiting for." New York Times"A gripping, brutal adventure that completely swept me away." Emma Carroll"A brave new voice in fantasy fiction." Sally Green, author of Half Bad"A page-turner of a book, packing a real punch with its high-level suspense." Booktrust"A heart-warming story about friendship and courage and what it means to truly be a hero ... I could hardly turn the pages fast enough." Holly Jackson, author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder"The Good Hawk will sweep you away.Darkly beautiful, original and brimming with hope and compassion." Kesia Lupo, author of We Are Blood And Thunder"A sublimely plotted, windswept adventure ... told with heart and humour, in beautifully sparse prose, this book made me laugh with delight and gasp with surprise." Cerrie Burnell, Children's TV Presenter and author of The Girl with the Shark's Teeth"This book is a triumph." Katya Balen, author of The Space We're In"One of the freshest, most exciting fantasies I've ever read." Sarah Ann Juckes, author of Outside"A proper barnstormer ... This book is a charismatic charmer." SFX"This page-turning adventure is rich in atmosphere while dripping with grisly violence ...A fresh and exciting debut." Kirkus"The chill barren setting of Scotia provides rich terrain for an unsettling wildness." The Irish Times
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Katalógové číslo
The Good Hawk
1. vydanie
Druh tovaru
129 x 199 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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