I Owe You One

Kniha: I Owe You One - Sophie Kinsella
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Kniha: I Owe You One

The irresistible new standalone from Sophie Kinsella is a story of love, empowerment and an IOU that changes everything . . . Fixie Farr can't help herself.Straightening a crooked object, removing a barely-there stain, helping out a friend . . .she just has to put things right. It's how she got her nickname, after all. So when a handsome stranger in a coffee shop asks her to watch his laptop for a moment, Fixie not only agrees, she ends up saving it from certain disaster.To thank her, the computer's owner, Sebastian, scribbles her an IOU - but of course Fixie never intends to call in the favour. That is, until her teenage crush, Ryan, comes back into her life and needs her help - and Fixie turns to Seb. But things don't go according to plan, and now Fixie owes Seb: big time. Soon the pair are caught up in a series of IOUs - from small favours to life-changing debts - and Fixie is torn between the past she's used to and the future she deserves. Does she have the courage to fix things for herself and fight for the life, and love, she really wants? ***** EVERYBODY LOVES SOPHIE KINSELLA: ***** 'Left me giddy with laughter.I loved it' JOJO MOYES 'Life doesn't get much better than a new Sophie Kinsella novel' RED 'One of the most relatable books I've read in a long time, I couldn't put it down.' LOUISE PENTLAND (SprinkleofGlitter)
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Katalógové číslo
I Owe You One
Sophie Kinsella
Druh tovaru
234 x 153 mm
Sadzba DPH

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