My Husband´s Wife

Jane Corryová

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Kniha: My Husband´s Wife - 1. vydanie - Jane Corryová
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Kniha: My Husband´s Wife

FIRST COMES LOVE. THEN COMES MARRIAGE. THEN COMES MURDER. '100 per cent recommend to all readers' 5* Amazon review THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TO BESTSELLING THRILLER What if your life was built on a lie? When lawyer Lily marries Ed, she's determined to make a fresh start. To leave the secrets of the past behind. But when she takes on her first criminal case, she starts to find herself strangely drawn to her client. A man who's accused of murder. A man she will soon be willing to risk everything for. But is he really innocent? And who is she to judge? MY HUSBAND'S WIFE is a thriller with so many twists you won't be able to put it down, perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty, Clare Mackintosh and C. L. Taylor. 'A rollercoaster of dramatic twists...chilling and suspenseful' Elizabeth Haynes 'My head's still spinning from all the twists!'Mark Edwards 'A dark, complex and compelling thriller that kept me turning the pages until the end' B A Paris, author of Behind Closed Doors 'Twisty, feverish and utterly gripping, My Husband's Wife is the perfect summer read' Eva Dolan 'This thrilling page-turner kept me guessing till the very end' Katerina Diamond 'A fantastic and powerful novel of heart-pounding suspense, expertly written to draw the reader in and never let go!' Kathryn Croft 'I have been thoroughly immersed in this novel...full of unexpected twists I didn't see coming! ' Luana Lewis 'My Husband's Wife had me gripped from the first page to the last. A fascinating cast of characters, each concealing a dark secret...' Ava Marsh 'Gripping and compelling, My Husband's Wife is a fascinating tale that you will think about long after turning the final page' Rowan Coleman 'My Husband's Wife is a thrilling page-turner that chronicles the nightmarish dynamics within a marriage.' Sarah Ward 'Corry has written a very impressive debut. I couldn't put it down!' LJ Ross 'A dark and gripping thriller that vibrates with tension.Jane Corry has created an exciting and complex tale that sank its teeth into me on the first page and never let go...A must-read for thriller lovers' Kate Furnivall '[A] roller coaster of suspense and intrigue...A cleverly constructed novel in which we have no idea who we can trust' Rosanna Ley 'The two strong women characters and the twists and turns of the plot will keep you on the edge of your seat right through to the surprising and shocking ending' Mavis Cheek 'Pick up this book and you won't be able to put it down. A fast-moving story of drama, suspense and emotional entanglement with a good sprinkling of evil threaded through' Sandra Howard 'A compelling thriller! I thoroughly enjoyed every fast turning page' Vanessa Ronan, author of The Last Days of Summer 'A gripping page turner that twists and turns right until the very end' Catherine Alliott
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Katalógové číslo
My Husband´s Wife
1. vydanie
Jane Corryová
Druh tovaru
198×129×34 mm
Sadzba DPH

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