Need to Know

Karen Cleveland

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2018/02

Kniha: Need to Know - 1. vydanie - Karen Cleveland
Katalógové číslo: 323126 viac »

Novinka , vychádza 25.2.2018 (Oups!, už to malo byť, vydanie bude posunuté)

Kniha: Need to Know

Perfect husband. Perfect father. Perfect liar? "Terrific."--John Grisham "Superb."--Lee Child "Breathtaking, heart-pounding."--Louise Penny "A fast-paced, relentlessly gripping read."--Chris Pavone In pursuit of a Russian sleeper cell on American soil, CIA analyst Vivian Miller uncovers a dangerous secret that will threaten her job, her family--and her life. On track for a much-needed promotion, she's developed a system for identifying Russian agents, seemingly normal people living in plain sight. After accessing the computer of a potential Russian operative, Vivian stumbles on a secret dossier of deep-cover agents within America's borders. A few clicks later, everything that matters to her--her job, her husband, even her four children--is threatened. Vivian has vowed to defend her country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But now she's facing impossible choices. Torn between loyalty and betrayal, allegiance and treason, love and suspicion, who can she trust? Film rights sold to Universal Pictures for Charlize Theron - Rights sold in more than 20 markets Advance praise for Need to Know "An early contender for next year's Gone Girl."--GQ (UK) "I raced through this gripping tale of domesticity and deceit. Karen Cleveland deliciously ratchets up the tension at every turn. You won't be able to put it down until the final, stunning page!"--Shari Lapena, New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next Door "Perhaps there will be two or three readers out there who manage to finish the first chapter of this terrific debut and put it down for more than an hour. But they'll be back. And they'll devour Need to Know like the rest of us, skipping lunch, losing sleep, turning pages until the end, where we're all left waiting for more."--John Grisham, New York Times bestselling author of The Rooster Bar "Prediction: If you read chapter one, you'll read chapter two. If you read chapter two, you'll miss dinner, stay up far too late, and feel tired at work tomorrow. This is that kind of book. Superb."--Lee Child, New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Line "The Russia page-turner that should be on everyone's list."--New York Post
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Katalógové číslo
Need to Know
1. vydanie
Karen Cleveland
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
15.7 x 23.4 cm
Sadzba DPH

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