Moomin and the Little Ghost

Tove Jansson

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2013

Kniha: Moomin and the Little Ghost - Tove Jansson
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Kniha: Moomin and the Little Ghost

Moomin and the Little Ghost is a brand new Moomin picture book! The Moomin Family are relaxing on holiday; with the exception of Moomin. Every night he is being visited by a little ghost and Moomin is getting more and more scared by him. His friends and family don't know what to do to help him. Then one night, Moomin's beloved friend - Snorkmaiden, goes missing and Moomin bravely sets off to find her. What will happen next...? The fifth in a series of Moomin picture books. This delightful story is a gently affirming read, perfect for Halloween and snuggling up! Tove Jansson was born in Helsingfors, Finland, in 1914. Her mother was a caricaturist who designed 165 of Finland's stamps and her father was a sculptor. She studied painting in Finland, Sweden and France, and subsequently became a book illustrator. Her extraordinary illustrative style is seen as a design classic the world over. Originally written in Swedish, the Moomintroll books have been translated into 34 languages and adapted for television, film, radio and opera. Tove Jansson lived alone on a small island in the gulf of Finland, where most of her books were written. She died in 2001. Look out for these other Moomin picture books: Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure; Moomin and the Birthday Button; Moomin and the New Friend; Moomin and the Winter Snow
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Katalógové číslo
Moomin and the Little Ghost
Tove Jansson
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
21.3 x 26.3 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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