The Holocaust in Slovakia: The Story of the Jews of Medzilaborce District
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Kniha: The Holocaust in Slovakia: The Story of the Jews of Medzilaborce District
Poznatky z niekoľkoročného výskumu v slovenských i zahraničných archívoch a výpovedí priamych svedkov udalostí, obsiahnuté v knihe, vnášajú svetlo do dejín dnes už neexistujúcej, a takmer zabudnutej židovskej komunity v okrese Medzilaborce na východnom Slovensku. Anglický jazyk. This book is a history of the Holocaust in Slovakia and the manner in which it impacted the Jews of the Medzilaborce region of that country. Although the work has a regional character, it reaches beyond the boundaries placing what occurred in this specific region as the solution to the “Jewish question” in the entire Slovak Republic. Regional and national aspects are built on footnoted facts by which Hlavinka constructs his interpretation of the historic events he researched. The chapter headings show the depth of the coverage: The Onset of a Tragedy Aryanization, Liquidation and Further Measures on the Property Issues Exclusion from Public Life Deportation of Jews and The Consequences A Search for Shelter Appendices include population figures for the towns of the region, lists of innkeepers whose licenses were suspended and lists of owners whose businesses were liquidated or “Aryanized.” There are more than 500 people listed in the name index. There are 26 pages of photographs, mostly of the Jews that lived in the region before and during the Holocaust period. Originally published in Slovak, it is now updated and available in English.
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- Katalógové číslo
- 306606
- Druh tovaru
- Kniha
- 9788085501520
- Rok vydania
- 2003/05
- Názov
- The Holocaust in Slovakia: The Story of the Jews of Medzilaborce…
- Autorstvo
- Ján Hlavinka
- Forma
- Viazaná
- Rozsah
- 273
- Rozmer
- 145x215
- Hmotnosť
- 0,37 kg
- Stav
- Nedá sa zohnať!
- Reg. číslo FPU
- (info len pre knižnice)
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