Brigitte Bardot

Kniha: Brigitte Bardot
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Kniha: Brigitte Bardot

Legendary actress Brigitte Bardot led fashion revolutions throughout her career; this retrospective includes BB’s comments on her iconic style in a rare, intimate interview. Brigitte Bardot is a style icon whose legacy has undeniably shaped the face of fashion as we know it. Discovered by a magazine editor at only 14 years old, she found fame and admiration on the big screen in the 1950s, and then became the fiery sex symbol of the groovy and liberated 1960s. Over the course of her career, all of the great French designers―including Christian Dior, Pierre Balmain, and Pierre Cardin―outfitted Bardot on and off screen. In photographs that capture her attending prestigious receptions or on glamorous visits to the United States, in fashion shoots and on film sets, this volume illustrates all the key looks that BB wore and brought to the international spotlight as she invented and edited her own highly imitated style. In an extensive―and extremely rare―interview, accompanied by her personal comments on the photos, Bardot explains the context of the often vanguard fashions she wore, making headlines wherever she went. Evoking French style and the glamor of St. Tropez, her legacy endures―from ballerina slippers with sweeping skirts to figure-hugging knitwear, gingham fabrics and gypsy dresses, kohl eyeliner and tousled hair.
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Brigitte Bardot
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Sadzba DPH

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