Rhetoric of Logotypes: A Primer for Visual Language

Kniha: Rhetoric of Logotypes: A Primer for Visual Language
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Kniha: Rhetoric of Logotypes: A Primer for Visual Language

The creation of a logotype as one of the most important elements of corporate design is a challenging task for commu- nication designers. The concept that a good logotype is by definition a persua- sive logotype creates a direct link to the genre of rhetoric, which, according to Aristotle, has the power of observing the means of persuasion on almost any subject. It follows that rhetoric con- cepts and methods are ideally suited for understanding the effectiveness of logotypes to expand the horizon of applied design work. In this publication the author illustrates how designers can utilize the tools of rhetoric, a sci- ence that dates back more than 2,500 years. Stylistic devices play a central role in this as logotypes are analyzed and classified to determine which communicative strategies and intended effects they fulfill. The theoretical in- sights gained from this provide design- ers with a wealth of knowledge that facilitates analysis, idea generation, and argumentation along with a deeper understanding of the design process.
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Rhetoric of Logotypes: A Primer for Visual Languag
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