1001: Albums You Must Hear Before You Die

Kniha: 1001: Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
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Kniha: 1001: Albums You Must Hear Before You Die

Written by top UK and US music journalists, and including a preface by Michael Lydon, the founding editor of Rolling Stone magazine, this book celebrates the great and ground-breaking albums throughout the eras - from the genesis of Fifties rock 'n' roll to the technological and electronic innovations of the 21st century. Each entry includes key tracks and explains exactly why each of these albums deserved to be included in the list, offering an insight into the process of their creation, development, and success. With albums from Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Miles Davis, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, The Sex Pistols, ACDC, the Beach Boys, Sonic Youth, Jack White, Green Day, and the latest from David Bowie, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and The War On Drugs, 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die is the single most comprehensive list of music that changed the world. Illustrated with more than 900 iconic images of album covers, bands and artists, as well as photographs from many legendary gigs, this is an absolute must-have for the musically inspired.
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1001: Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
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