Marshall: The Book of Loud

Kniha: Marshall: The Book of Loud
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Kniha: Marshall: The Book of Loud

Since 1962, Marshall amps have been used by just about every iconic artist and band in music history - from Led Zeppelin and AC/DC to Iron Maiden and Nirvana. Now, inspired by all of the artists that, bands, songs and albums that they've heard and loved down the years, Marshall have created The Book of Loud - collecting together thousands of facts, figures, trivia and pieces of musical interest, from global icons such as The Ramones, Jimi Hendrix and The Who to the cutting-edge acts that are lighting up the scene today. It is the ultimate accessory for the music-minded from one of the biggest names in rock. Contents include: - The loudest bands of all time- Blacklisted: the records banned from the radio- The greatest beards in rock- Notable rock star tattoos- The anatomy of a Marshall amp- The most notorious riders in gig history- ... and much, much more!
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Marshall: The Book of Loud
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