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„Viera je základom toho, v čo dúfame, dôkazom toho, čo nevidíme“
Zaradené v kategórii Krimi a detektívky Anglicky
Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (*15. september 1890 Torquay, Veľká Británia - † 12. január 1976, Wallingford, Velká Británia), je najznámejšia autorka detektívnych románov (písala tiež pod pseudonymom Mary Westmacott)a je tiež najpredávanejšou autorkou na svete. V počte predaných kníh ju predbehol len William Shakespeare.
Agatha Christie sa narodila v typickej viktoriánskej rodine a ako bolo v tej dobe zvykom, získala základné vzdelanie od svojich rodičov. V roku 1906 odišla do Paríža študovať hudbu a zdokonaliť si francúzštinu. Tu zistila, že má talent pre spev a klavír. Avšak pre svoju hanblivosť pred publikom a nedostatočne silný hlas upustila od kariéry speváčky. V priebehu prvej svetovej vojny Agáta Christie pracovala ako dobrovoľná sestra v Ashfield. Skúsenosti získané počas týchto rokov pri práci s liekmi a jedmi využila neskôr pri písaní svojich detektívok.
V roku 1919 sa jej narodila dcéra Rosalinda. Po smrti svojej matky sa v roku 1926 nervovo zrútila a na nejakú dobu dokonca zmizla - bola nezvestná celých 11 dní a tento incident sa nikdy plne neobjasnil.
Jej kníh sa celosvetovo predalo už cez 2 miliardy výtlačkov v angličtine a 1 miliarda v ďalších 103 jazykových mutáciách. Jej divadelná hra Pasca na myši je vôbec najdlhšie hranou divadelnou hrou. V londýnskom Ambassadors Theatre sa hrá nepretržite od 25. novembra 1952. V roku 2005 mala hra za sebou už viac ako 20 000 predstavení. Agatha Christie publikovala celkom cez 80 románov, poviedkových zbierok a divadelných hier, predovšetkým detektívky. Tajomstvo zamknutej izby sa vyskytuje v mnohých detektívkach v ktorých vystupujú jej najslávnejšie literárne postavy Hercule Poirot (belgický detektív žijúci v Anglicku) alebo slečna Marplová.
*15.9.1890 +12.1.1976
Anglicky •Agatha Christie•PEARSON English Readers•Cudzie jazyky
At the Jolly Roger Hotel the guests appear to be relaxing in the sun. But when a beautiful woman is killed, there are many possible suspects. What can… viac »
When a notice appears in the local newspaper, the villagers are curious. Is it a joke, or is there really going to be a murder at Little Paddocks? At… viac »
Hercule Poirot has received a letter which is simply signed 'ABC'. The writer promises a mystery which is too difficult even for the great mind of the… viac »
Anglicky •Agatha Christie•HarperCollins
Agatha Christie's first Tommy & Tuppence book is a thrill-packed novel of international intrigue, murder and suspense. Tommy and Tuppence, two young p… viac »
The Tuesday Night Club is a venue where locals challenge Miss Marple to solve recent crimes...One Tuesday evening a group gathers at Miss Marple's hou… viac »
A typist uncovers a man's body from behind the sofa... viac »
Anglicky •Agatha Christie•William Morrow
The Queen of Mystery has come to Harper Collins! Agatha Christie, the acknowledged mistress of suspense--creator of indomitable sleuth Miss Marple, me… viac »
Česky •Agatha Christie•Hachette•Cudzie jazyky
Un peintre est mort empoisonné. Sa femme, accusée du crime, s'est mal défendue. Elle est morte en prison. Seize ans plus tard, la fille des deux victi… viac »
An old widow is brutally killed in the parlour of her cottage... `Mrs McGinty's dead!' `How did she die?' `Down on one knee, just like I!' The old chi… viac »
Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake... In appearan… viac »
A special boxed set of the three Agatha Christie novels set in or around her home of Greenway House in Devon. DEAD MAN'S FOLLY: Sir George and Lady St… viac »
Agatha Christie's first ever murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover - includes for the first time the original courtroom climax as an alte… viac »
Agatha Christie's most exotic murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover to tie in with the highly anticipated film adaptation. The tranquilli… viac »
A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime's legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and ac… viac »
Anglicky •Agatha Christie•Orion Books
Agatha Christie was not only the biggest selling writer of detective stories the world has ever known, she was also a mystery in herself, giving only… viac »
Anglicky •Agatha Christie•HarperCollins•Krimi a detektívky
A malicious letter A tragic death A village filled with suspects Nothing ever happens in the sleepy village of Lymstock. Until letters accusing the vi… viac »
Anglicky •Agatha Christie•HarperCollins•Trilery
A young woman found murdered A scandal in the making When Mrs Bantry wakes to find a body in her library, there's only one woman to call: her good fri… viac »
The inspiration for A Haunting in Venice - soon to be a major motion picture.A teenage murder witness is drowned in a tub of apples... At a Hallowe'en… viac »
A flamboyant party host is murdered in full view of a roomful of bridge players...Mr Shaitana was famous as a flamboyant party host. Nevertheless, he… viac »
An unknown wounded man in a church. A fatal riding accident. A corpse and a tape measure. Whether in St Mary Mead or further afield, there is always m… viac »