
GBR Anglicky Harper Collins

Kniha: Counter-Intelligence
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Kniha: Counter-Intelligence

From the codebreakers and problem solvers, to the engineers, mathematicians and other problem-solvers - what the secret world can teach us about performance and creativity How do you hire smart people who can work together to prevent terrorist attacks and decode encrypted technology?How do you come up with creative, counterintuitive solutions to solve major global problems?How do you provide the right environment for these people to thrive and work at their best when under immense pressure?Written by Robert Hannigan, the former Director of GCHQ, this book explores the role of the counter-intelligence services in history and today's world - from the codebreakers and problem solvers, to innovation and creativity, secrecy and transparency and the global tech community. It will trace the history of counter-intelligence - from the early days of Bletchley Park, to the ongoing work of GCHQ - while reflecting on some of the unique characteristics of the engineers, mathematicians and other problem-solvers that make up the world's intelligence community.An exhaustive and authoritative account of the history of counter-intelligence from Bletchley Park to modern day GCHQ, this brilliant and unique book will appeal to business readers, history readers and fans of smart thinking and big ideas around the world.

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234 x 153
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