Green Building Envelopes

GBR Anglicky Braun Publishing

Kniha: Green Building Envelopes
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Kniha: Green Building Envelopes

The book is intended to awaken an appetite for green architecture; a catalog of successful project examples shows in detail how the design and practical implementation of greened builidng exteriors can succeed around the globe.For some time now, climate change has been a major concern that has also led to a rethinking of construction worldwide. Cities in particular aim to become 'greener' to improve their quality of life. The most exciting and most visible strategy in this regard is undoubtedly the planting of roofs, facades and courtyards. This volume presents impressive and promising concepts and projects from around the world, which explore the potential of greened building envelopes. In addition to their importance in heavy rainfall management, planted building exteriors reduce CO2 emissions, bind pollutants, provide acoustic insulation, absorb UV rays, and optimize energy efficiency while they lastingly improve the local microclimate. The focus of this book is on the diverse ways in which organic materials are used in construction today and how they can function as independent planning elements and design factors also in combination with new and innovative building technologies.

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Katalógové číslo
Green Building Envelopes
Druh tovaru
280 x 240
Sadzba DPH

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