Oasis: What's The Story?: Life on tour with Liam and Noel Gallagher

GBR Anglicky John Blake Publishing Ltd

Kniha: Oasis: What's The Story?: Life on tour with Liam and Noel Gallagher
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Kniha: Oasis: What's The Story?: Life on tour with Liam and Noel Gallagher

'Deserves to stay on the bestseller lists for a long time to come' - Caitlin Moran'Brilliant' - NMEOasis were a band like bands used to be. Hard-drinking and substance abusing. If they liked you, they loved you.If they didn't, you had to be prepared for confrontation. Iain Robertson is used to tough jobs - after retiring from the Parachute Regiment, he took on jobs guarding George Harrison, Gary Moore and Johnny Rotten. But keeping Oasis on the rails after debut album Definitely Maybe ignited their rise toward global superstardom would be the toughest gig of them all.Oasis would explode into public consciousness and have the world at their feet in the wake of their epic first album and a huge world tour. Iain was side-by-side as their road manager and minder, twenty-four hours a day, eight days a week, as they took on the world and won. No one was closer.Now updated with new unpublished material ahead of the thirty year anniversary of Definitely Maybe, this story is the defining chronicle of life on tour with Oasis.

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Oasis: What's The Story?: Life on tour with Liam a
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