The Art of Ukraine

GBR Anglicky Thames & Hudson Ltd

Kniha: The Art of Ukraine
Katalógové číslo: 494251 viac »

Novinka , vychádza (dátum nie je určený)

Kniha: The Art of Ukraine

An in-depth overview of Ukrainian art from the dawn of Modernism in the late nineteenth century to the start of the Russian invasion in Spring 2022. This new volume in the World of Art series provides an overview of Ukrainian art, artists and art movements from the dawn of Modernism and the 1900s to the Soviet period, to post-Soviet times and the beginning of the war with Russia in February 2022. Ukrainian art and artists are discussed within historical and political contexts as well as how they have contributed to, and interacted with, Ukrainian culture and identity.Filled with rich illustrations, each chapter explores a different art period or movement. We are at a historical moment where Ukraine and its cultural identity are in grave danger, and author Alisa Lozhkina offers a powerful opportunity to connect curious and empathetic readers with the Ukrainian art tradition.

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Katalógové číslo
The Art of Ukraine
Druh tovaru
210 x 150
Sadzba DPH

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