Family Politics

GBR Anglicky Doubleday

Kniha: Family Politics
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Kniha: Family Politics

‘John O’Farrell couldn’t be unfunny if he tried’ Alan Johnson‘A touch of self-deprecation and a sense of humour… John O’Farrell has these qualities in spades’ Guardian‘O’Farrell is a consistently humorous writer with an acute ear for the absurdities of middle class pretension’ Mail on Sunday_________________All across Britain, a generation of grown-up children are graduating from university, moving back in to their old bedrooms and showing their gratitude by berating their parents for their out-of-date politics.But for proud and high-profile left-wingers Emma and Eddie Hughes, the return of their only child is a far greater challenge than they ever could have anticipated. Young Dylan had warned them there was something personal he needed to tell them, but nothing could have prepared his right-on parents for the shocking revelation he delivers. Their son is a Conservative.John O’Farrell’s highly popular family novels such as May Contain Nuts or The Best A Man Can Get meet the razor-sharp political satire of Things Can Only Get Better in this hilarious and warm-hearted antidote to our divided times. Read it and pass it on to that annoying relative who votes the other way.

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Family Politics
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