
GBR Anglicky Pan Books

Kniha: Abandon
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Kniha: Abandon

A century-old mystery - and a desperate battle to survive. Abandon is a compulsive standalone thriller from Blake Crouch, the New York Times bestselling author of Dark Matter and Recursion. On Christmas Day in 1893, every inhabitant in a remote mining town disappears: belongings forsaken, meals left to freeze in vacant cabins and not a single bone found.More than a century later, journalist Abigail Foster and her historian father have set out to explore the long-abandoned town and learn what happened there. With them are two backcountry guides, a psychic and a paranormal photographer, who are there to investigate rumours that the town is haunted. But Abigail and her companions are about to learn that the town’s ghosts are the least of their worries.Twenty miles from civilization, with a blizzard bearing down, they realize they are not alone. The ordeal that follows will test this small team past the breaking point as they battle the elements and human foes alike, and discover that the town’s secrets still have the power to kill . .. Part journey into old-West history, part nail-biting survival thriller, Abandon is a bloody, darkly surprising tale as only Blake Crouch could deliver.

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Katalógové číslo
Druh tovaru
130 x 196
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