Beneath Dark Waters

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Kniha: Beneath Dark Waters
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Kniha: Beneath Dark Waters

'High-wire suspense that keeps you riveted' Lisa GardnerThe heart-stopping new thriller in the New Orleans series, from Sunday Times bestselling author Karen Rose. Assistant District Attorney Kaj Cordozo's life is thrown upside down when two masked men attempt to kidnap his son, Elijah. Given the high-profile case Kaj is working on, he's not about to take any more risks.When Val Sorensen of Burke Broussard Private Investigation Agency is assigned as Elijah's bodyguard, she realises she also has a very personal connection to the gang thought to be behind the attempted kidnap - a run in with Sixth Day cost her brother his life. As Kaj and Val work together to prevent a second kidnap attempt, they uncover a trail of violence and deception leading back to brothers Aaron and Corey Gates. Aaron is in prison, but Corey is dangerous, at large and about to threaten everything Kaj holds dear.Will the revelation of involvement from the other Gates brothers lead to answers, or by placing their trust in them will Kaj and Val be putting themselves in even more danger?'Intense, complex and unforgettable' James Patterson'Fast and furious' Sun

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Katalógové číslo
Beneath Dark Waters
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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