Voyage of the Damned

GBR Anglicky Michael Joseph

Kniha: Voyage of the Damned
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Kniha: Voyage of the Damned

The mind-blowing murder mystery debut with magical passengers, epic adventure, and a twist you can't guess.

If Agatha Christie wrote fantasy, this would be it!-----------For a thousand years, Concordia has maintained peace between its provinces. To mark this honorary feat, the emperor's ship embarks upon a twelve-day voyage to the sacred Goddess's Mountain.Aboard are the twelve heirs to the provinces of Concordia, each graced with a unique and secret magical ability known as a blessing.All except one: Ganymedes Piscero - class clown, slacker, and all-round disappointment.When a beloved heir is murdered, everyone is a suspect. Stuck at sea and surrounded by powerful people, odds of survival are slim. But as the bodies pile higher, Ganymedes must become the hero he was not born to be.Can he unmask the killer and their secret blessing before this bloody crusade reaches the shores of Concordia?Or will the empire as he knows it fall forever?-Praise for Voyage of the Damned:-'Frances White has crafted a brilliantly clever tale full of heart-warming characters, riveting twists and a gloriously conceived world. A poignant, quirky and utterly delightful read. I felt EVERYTHING while reading Voyage of the Damned' Bea Fitzgerald, bestselling author of Girl, Goddess, Queen"burned through this in about two days.Absolutely bloody brilliant! Voyage of the Damned is clever and comedic, while also heartfelt and harrowing. I hope readers will come to enjoy Dee's escapades as much as I did" - Sunyi Dean, author of The Book Eaters'An enchanting, bloody delight. Full of magic, laugh-out-loud humor, and so much murder' - Gabi Burton, author of Sing Me To Sleep

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Katalógové číslo
Voyage of the Damned
Druh tovaru
234 x 153
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