The Butcher and the Wren

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Kniha: The Butcher and the Wren
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Kniha: The Butcher and the Wren

THE CHILLING SERIAL KILLER THRILLER FROM THE CO-HOST OF CHART-TOPPING PODCAST MORBID'AMAZING TWISTS. UNPUTDOWNABLE' SAMANTHA DOWNING'CAPTIVATING. The reader might want to shut their eyes, but the joust between the killer and the pathologist makes that impossible' DAILY MAILWren was never afraid of the dark.Until she learned that some monsters are real . . ._________In deep Louisiana, a serial killer with a taste for medical experimentation is completing his most ambitious project yet. The media call him 'The Butcher' - and, so far, he's proved impossible to catch. With her encyclopaedic knowledge of humanity's darkest minds, and years of experience examining their victims, forensic pathologist Dr Wren Muller is the best there is.The longer the Butcher's killing spree continues, the more determined she is to bring him to justice. And yet, he continues to elude her. As body after body piles up on Wren's examination table, her obsession grows.Pressure to put an end to the slaughter mounts. And her enemy becomes more brazen. How far is Wren willing to go to draw the Butcher into the light .. .?_________An addictive read with straight-from-the-morgue details only an autopsy technician could provide, The Butcher and the Wren promises to ensnare all who enter. 'Can a medical examiner outsmart a serial killer? The Butcher and the Wren will keep you waiting for an answer until the last bloody page.Prepare to be disturbed. A deliciously dark debut' REA FREY, bestselling author for Not Her Daughter and Secrets of Our House

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Katalógové číslo
The Butcher and the Wren
Druh tovaru
128 x 198
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Sadzba DPH

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