Puss in Books

GBR Anglicky Harper Collins

Kniha: Puss in Books
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Kniha: Puss in Books

A charming collection of quotes about cats from our favourite authors, accompanied by artwork in the trademark style of Paul Magrs (author of The Panda, the Cat and the Dreadful Teddy). 'I love them, they are so nice and selfish' - L.M. Montgomery This collection of quotes from the literary greats explores just why cats have fascinated, mesmerised and often infuriated writers for centuries.Celebrating the mystery of these daydreaming, snarky, selfish, watchful, contemplative and changeable creatures, Puss in Books helps cat and book lovers to understand these beings who have intrigued great thinkers and writers since the dawn of time. Quotes include: 'Time spent with a cat is never wasted' - Colette 'Those who play with cats must expect to get scratched' - Miguel de Cervantes 'If cats could write history, their history would be mostly about cats' - Eugen Weber

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Katalógové číslo
Puss in Books
Druh tovaru
181 x 134
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