One Enchanted Evening

Katie Ffordeová

GBR Anglicky Penguin

Kniha: One Enchanted Evening - Katie Ffordeová
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Kniha: One Enchanted Evening

Step into the world of Katie Fforde where love, romance and the happiest of happy endings are just around the corner. The new novel by the number one bestselling author and queen of feel-good romance. 'A joy of a read' Bella'Another delightful read.Fforde never disapoints' Weekly'This is the perfect Mother's Day read' Take a Break'A joy of a read from Katie Fforde' That's Life'This enjoyable read will appeal to die-hard romantics' Heat Magazine____________Ever since she can remember, Meg has wanted to be a professional cook. But it's 1966, and in restaurant kitchens all over England it is still a man's world. Then she gets a call from her mother who is running a small hotel in Dorset.There's an important banqueting event coming up. She needs help and she needs it now!When Meg arrives, the hotel seems stuck in the past. But she loves a challenge, and sets to work.Then Justin, the son of the hotel owner, appears, determined to take over the running of the kitchen. Infuriated, Meg is determined to keep cooking - and soon sparks between them begin to fly. Will their differences be a recipe for disaster? After all, the course of true love never did run smooth...____________Readers love One Enchanted Evening ... ***** 'One Enchanted Evening is a literary hug that filled me with a comforting warmth and made me crave for more.'***** 'I loved this book so much that I devoured it in a day and a half. The characters were very well rounded and you instantly become invested in the storyline, the characters, and the beautiful old hotel.'*****'A lovely relaxing read, perfect for a winters day, or for that matter as a holiday read!'***** 'One Enchanted evening is everything you need in a novel when the weather outside demands you snuggle under a blanket with a good book.'***** 'This is a nice, escapist tale.'

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Katalógové číslo
One Enchanted Evening
Katie Ffordeová
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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Sadzba DPH

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