The Winter King

Kniha: The Winter King - Bernard Cornwell
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Kniha: The Winter King

The Winter King is the first of Bernard Cornwell's bestselling Warlord Chronicles seriesIn the Dark Ages, a legendary warrior arises to unite a divided land . . .Uther, the High King of Britain, is dead. His only heir is the infant Mordred. Yet each of the country's lesser kings seek to claim the crown for themselves.While they squabble and spoil for war, a host of Saxon armies gather, preparing for invasion. But no one has counted on the fearsome warlord Arthur. Handed power by Merlin and pursuing a doomed romance with the beautiful Guinevere, Arthur knows he will struggle to unite the country - let alone hold back the Saxon enemy at the gates.Yet destiny awaits him . . .The first of Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles, The Winter King is a brilliant retelling of the Arthurian legend, combining myth, history and thrilling battlefield action.

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Katalógové číslo
The Winter King
Bernard Cornwell
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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