The Virgin Suicides

Jeffrey Eugenides

GBR Anglicky Fourth Estate

Kniha: The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides
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Kniha: The Virgin Suicides

30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL EDITION, WITH A NEW FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR The lyrical, timeless tale of the Lisbon sisters, from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Middlesex and The Marriage Plot. The five Lisbon sisters - beautiful, eccentric and, now, gone - had always been a point of obsession for the entire neighbourhood. Although the boys that once loved them from afar have grown up, they remain determined to understand a tragedy that has defied explanation.The question persists - why did all five of the Lisbon girls take their own lives? This mesmerising tale of sex and suicide that transforms and mythologises middle-American life announced the arrival of one of the greatest American novelists of the last thirty years. 'A flare from my own secret world, all the inchoate longings and obsessions of being a teenager somehow rendered into book form' Emma Cline, author of The Girls

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Katalógové číslo
The Virgin Suicides
Jeffrey Eugenides
Druh tovaru
204 x 135
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Sadzba DPH

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