The Institution

Helen Fields

GBR Anglicky HarperCollins2023

Kniha: The Institution - Helen Fields
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Kniha: The Institution

'Brilliant! The Institution is a harrowing, nonstop story that will grab you from the first page and not let go. Helen Fields is a master of suspense. You'll consume it in one sitting.' - International bestselling sensation JEFFERY DEAVER They're locked up for your safety.Now, you're locked in with them. Dr Connie Woolwine has five days to catch a killer. On a locked ward in the world's highest-security prison hospital, a scream shatters the night.The next morning, a nurse's body is found and her daughter has been taken. A ransom must be paid, and the clock is ticking. Forensic profiler Dr Connie Woolwine is renowned for her ability to get inside the mind of a murderer.Now, she must go deep undercover among the most deranged and dangerous men on earth and use her unique skills to find the girl - before it's too late. But as the walls close in around her, can Connie get the killer before The Institution gets her? A claustrophobic, haunting crime thriller that will keep you up at night, perfect for those who couldn't put down The Sanatorium and Amy McCulloch's Breathless. Readers never want to leave The Institution! 'Terrifyingly brilliant and an absolute must-read for those who enjoy dark psychological thrillers.' 'A very dark and exciting read.If you want to stay up all night, love serial killers or just want a strong female heroine , The Institution is for you!' 'What a story! It gripped me right from the start of the opening chapter. Wow!' 'Haunting, scary, shocking ... this is a book that you won't forget in a hurry.' 'Dark and terrifying, The Institution had me committed to finishing it from the first chapter!' 'Very much a chewed-fingernails read ...a real roller-coaster' 'Dark, atmospheric, creepy and hauntingly good, and kept me guessing until the end. I loved it.'

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Katalógové číslo
The Institution
Helen Fields
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
198 x 129 x 27
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Sadzba DPH

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