The Treasure Hunters

GBR Anglicky Scholastic

Kniha: The Treasure Hunters - 1. vydanie
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Kniha: The Treasure Hunters

A gripping, page-turning mystery adventure from the bestselling author of modern classic The Goldfish Boy When lonely Vincent is forced to go on an outdoor activity weekend with three other kids from his class, he's counting the seconds until he can escape home. But one of his classmates is hiding a secret: she's convinced there's pirate treasure buried deep within a nearby mountain. Suddenly, this boring trip becomes an exciting adventure! But a thief is hot on the trail, intent on stealing the loot for themselves...can the Treasure Hunters work together to stop them? for fans of Frank Cottrell Boyce's Millions and classic action adventure movie The Goonies funny, moving and a real page-turner a sensitive depiction of a hero with dyspraxia PRAISE FOR LISA THOMPSON BOOKS Goldfish Boy "an utterly captivating read" BookTrust "This empathetic debut is a middle-grade whodunit with a very special heart." Kirkus "a heart-warming tale" Books for Keeps The Light Jar Shortlisted for the Children's Book Awards 2019, Books for Older Readers Category "bags of empathy to a deftly plotted tale" The Guardian "A hugely endearing boy hero" The Times The Day I Was Erased "Lisa Thompson's light touch in delicately exploring emotional wellbeing means the story can be enjoyed by younger children and teenagers alike and can help begin important conversations about memory loss, parental discord and the meaning of friendship." BookTrust

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Katalógové číslo
The Treasure Hunters
1. vydanie
Druh tovaru
179 x 167
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