Gangsta Granny Strikes Again!

Kniha: Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! - David Walliams
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Kniha: Gangsta Granny Strikes Again!

'Walliams balances high comedy with an emotional message' Daily Mail 'Walliams does comedy with profound, genuine heart' Guardian From No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams - an extraordinarily brilliant and rollicking mystery adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross, and the sequel to the much-loved Gangsta Granny. Ben is getting used to life without his beloved granny.She was a cabbage enthusiast, a Scrabble partner... and an international jewel thief known as The Black Cat. Now, only the memory of their extraordinary adventure to steal the Crown Jewels lives on.Then something inexplicable happens. World-famous treasures are stolen in the dead of night and the clues point to none other than The Black Cat? But that's impossible...? Expect the unexpected in this wonderfully entertaining and laugh-out-loud adventure, which will have readers on the edge of their seats as they join Ben on his quest to unravel the mystery of the return of The Black Cat. This first ever sequel from David Walliams will delight new fans, as well as the millions of readers that have loved Gangsta Granny.

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Katalógové číslo
Gangsta Granny Strikes Again!
David Walliams
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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