The Maya

GBR Anglicky Thames & Hudson

Kniha: The Maya
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Kniha: The Maya

The definitive history of the Maya, fully updated with the latest archaeological studies. The Maya has long been established as the best, most readable introduction to the ancient Maya on the market today. This classic book has been updated by distilling the latest scholarship for the general reader and student.This tenth edition incorporates the most recent archaeological and epigraphic findings, which continue to proceed at a fast pace, along with full-colour illustrations. The new material includes evidence of the earliest human occupants of the Maya region and the beginnings of agriculture and settled life; analysis from lidar on swampy areas, such as Usumacinta, that show enormous rectangle earthworks, including Aguada Fenix, dating from 1050 to 750 BC; and recent advances in decoding Maya writing and imagery. It also expands on information on the roles of women, courtiers and outsiders; covers novel research about Maya cities, including research into water quality, marketplaces, fortifications and integrated road systems; and features coverage of more recent Maya history, including the displacement and mistreatment of the Maya people, along with growing affirmations of their cultural identity and rights.Highlighting the vitality of current scholarship about this brilliant culture, The Maya remains the gold standard introductory book on the subject.

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Katalógové číslo
The Maya
Druh tovaru
241 x 159
Sadzba DPH

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