A Wedding in Provence

Katie Ffordeová

GBR Anglicky Penguin

Kniha: A Wedding in Provence - Katie Ffordeová
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Kniha: A Wedding in Provence

THE BRAND NEW romance from the Sunday Times Number One bestselling author... 'Think Sound of Music, Cold Comfort Farm and the joie de vivre of early Jilly Cooper, but all uniquely and irresistibly Katie Fforde. If you need cheering up and some unashamed escapism, this is perfect.' Phillipa Ashley'The queen of uplifting, feel good romance' AJ PEARCE'Effortlessly lovable, warm and fun' CLOSER'Katie Fforde is on sparkling form' INDEPENDENT'Top-drawer romantic escapism' DAILY MAIL__________________Late summer, 1963.Fresh from London and a recent cookery course, Alexandra has always loved a challenge. Which is why she now finds herself standing outside an imposing chateau in Provence. Waiting for her inside is three silent, rather hostile children who are to be her charges for the next month.They will soon be more friendly, she tells herself. All they need is some fun, good food and an English education. Far more of a challenge though is their father - an impossibly good looking French count with whom she is rapidly falling in love .. . __________________Readers love A Wedding in Provence .. . ***** 'It was warm and sweet and a fun read.Loved it.'***** 'I'd absolutely recommend this book to anyone and everyone, whether you're a romance lover or not, read Katie's books.'***** 'A big slice of romantic escapism!'***** 'I absolutely loved the story and the way it was told, and was totally invested in the family. I'd love to know what happens next.'***** 'What a wonderfully heart warming book.'

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Katalógové číslo
A Wedding in Provence
Katie Ffordeová
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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Sadzba DPH

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