Frank Miller's Sin City Volume 6: Booze, Broads, & Bullets (deluxe Edition)

Frank Miller

GBR Anglicky Dark Horse Comics,U.S.

Kniha: Frank Miller's Sin City Volume 6: Booze, Broads, & Bullets (deluxe Edition) - Frank Miller
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Kniha: Frank Miller's Sin City Volume 6: Booze, Broads, & Bullets (deluxe Edition)

Stories of those lost in the gritty and crime-laden asphalt jungle are together in this collection from the acclaimed noir series, returning in an oversized and slipcased hardcover that includes a portfolio and exclusive print. There are all kinds of dark business you might encounter on a cold night in Basin City, and the tales here paint a gloriously dirty portrait. Marv, the hulking ex-con with a condition, has to jog his memory about a certain Saturday night, and then on another evening, he's after something but he keeps his quest is quiet--sometimes there's no need for words. Visiting Old Town, where all your dreams could come true, Gail and Miho demonstrate what happens when you don't play by their rules. Then, hired-hand Blue Eyes makes an important kill--a few, actually. A woman on the run finds a way out . . . A sucker with good intentions gets duped . . . Fat Man and Little Boy are seen on a couple of jobs, and being low-rent hit-men, you can guess what that means. And the dark deeds and dealings stay dark in a few more stories also included in this anthology.Frank Miller's return to his comic opus graphic novel series continues with the luxury edition of Volume 6 Booze, Broads, & Bullets. High-end materials and finishes, and iconic textures from the series enhance this stunning package. Housed in a cloth-covered slipcase with foil stamping and printing is an oversized hardcover featuring a soft-touch matte finish with spot gloss and foil stamping. The slipcase includes a matching portfolio featuring a deluxe print of new artwork by Frank Miller. As well, this edition includes a fourteen-page expanded cover and art gallery featuring pieces from previous editions. And, as an anthology of short tales, Volume 6 is a great jumping on point for new readers wondering what Sin City is all about--or longtime readers who can't get enough! As an added bonus, each volume's slipcase has a different letter from the logo, placed on the front cover in such a way that alone it looks like a splash of red wrapping around the slipcase. But when all seven volumes are together it is clear that the grouping spells out "Sin City." FOR MATURE READERS.

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Katalógové číslo
Frank Miller's Sin City Volume 6: Booze, Broads, &
Frank Miller
Druh tovaru
309 x 203
Sadzba DPH

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