On a Night Like This

GBR Anglicky Harper Collins

Kniha: On a Night Like This
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Kniha: On a Night Like This

It only takes one night to fall in love...Pre-order the most romantic book of 2021 now!'As warm and satisfying as a hot chocolate on a winter's day' HEAT'So uplifting and wildly romantic' MARIAN KEYES'Funny, engaging and sparkly' JANE FALLON'I fell head over heels in love' BETH O'LEARY'Sparkles on the page like champagne in the glass' MILLY JOHNSON'The literary equivalent of opening a glass of wine with your best friend' MHAIRI MCFARLANE'The kind of book you can't put down, but also want to last forever' EMILY HENRY____________________Get ready for a night like no other . . .Within days of wishing she could change her life, Fran Cooper is working for a celebrity, on a yacht, and en route to a tiny Italian island and the glittering Crystal Ball.When she - quite literally - bumps into a handsome American called Evan the magic really begins. He makes her a promise: no last names, no life stories, just one unforgettable night.But Evan belongs at the ball and Fran is a gatecrasher. Their lives are a world apart - unless, on a night like this, everything can change forever...____________________AUTHORS LOVE ON A NIGHT LIKE THIS:'Sparkling and gorgeously romantic' SARAH MORGAN'Touching, hugely romantic and properly laugh-out-loud funny' SOPHIA MONEY-COUTTS'The perfect balance between sparkly escapism and big-hearted realness' SOPHIE RANALD'As warm as a hug but as funny as a night out with the girls' LAURA JANE WILLIAMS'Perfect, escapist fiction' LIA LOUIS'You will not want to miss your invite to this ball' CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN'Full of Lindsey's trademark warmth and wit' ALEX BROWN'Everything a perfect and iconic romcom should be' CARMEL HARRINGTON

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On a Night Like This
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178 x 111
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