Nine Quarters of Jerusalem : A New Biography of the Old City

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Kniha: Nine Quarters of Jerusalem : A New Biography of the Old City
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Kniha: Nine Quarters of Jerusalem : A New Biography of the Old City

'Original and illuminating ... What a good book this is' Jonathan Dimbleby, author and documentary makerIn Jerusalem, what you see and what is true are two different things. Maps divide the walled Old City into four quarters, yet that division doesn't reflect the reality of mixed and diverse neighbourhoods.Beyond the crush and frenzy of its major religious sites, much of the Old City remains little known to visitors, its people overlooked and their stories untold. Nine Quarters of Jerusalem lets the communities of the Old City speak for themselves. Ranging through ancient past and political present, it evokes the city's depth and cultural diversity.Matthew Teller's highly original 'biography' features the Old City's Palestinian and Jewish communities, but also spotlights its Indian and African populations, its Greek and Armenian and Syriac cultures, its downtrodden Dom Gypsy families and its Sufi mystics. It discusses the sources of Jerusalem's holiness and the ideas - often startlingly secular - that have shaped lives within its walls. It is an evocation of place through story, led by the voices of Jerusalemites.

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Katalógové číslo
Nine Quarters of Jerusalem : A New Biography of th
Druh tovaru
216 x 135
Sadzba DPH

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