Window Shopping

GBR Anglicky Little Brown

Kniha: Window Shopping - 1. vydanie
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Kniha: Window Shopping

A USA TODAY BESTSELLER!A sizzling, standalone, feel-good winter romance from Tessa Bailey, New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer. Two weeks before Christmas and all through Manhattan, shop windows are decorated in red and green satin. I'm standing alone in front of the famous Vivant department store, when a charming man named Aiden asks my opinion of the decor.It's a tragedy in tinsel, I say, unable to lie. He asks for a better idea with a twinkle in his eye. Did I know he owned the place? No.He put me on the spot. Now I'm working for that man, trying to ignore that he's hot. But as a down on her luck girl with a difficult past, I know an opportunity when I see one - and I have to make it last.I'll put my heart and soul into dressing his holiday windows. I'll work without stopping. And when we lose the battle with temptation, I'll try and remember I'm just window shopping.Why readers love Window Shopping'The perfect holiday romance story! A true delight!' Amazon review'The perfect reverse grumpy-sunshine holiday romance-Aiden and Stella brightened my holiday season!' Amazon review'Snuggle down under a cover with this book and you will end up feeling happy, contented and with a satisfied smile and sigh at the end...' Amazon review

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Katalógové číslo
Window Shopping
1. vydanie
Druh tovaru
127 x 198
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