
Marissa Meyer

GBR Anglicky Faber & Faber2021

Kniha: Gilded - Marissa Meyer
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Kniha: Gilded

All magic comes at a price, but love was never part of the bargain . . .The look he was giving her. Serilda had never been looked at like that before . .. The intensity. The heat.The raw astonishment. He was going to kiss her. Cursed by the god of lies, a miller's daughter has developed a talent for storytelling - but are all of her tales as false as they appear?When one of Serilda's stories draws the attention of the devastating Erlking, she finds herself swept away into a world of enchantment, where ghouls prowl the earth, and ravens track her every move.The king locks Serilda in a castle dungeon and orders her to spin straw into gold, or be killed for lying. In despair, Serilda unwittingly summons a mysterious young man to her aid. And he agrees to help her, for a price.But love wasn't meant to be part of the bargain. A compulsive read, and as bewitchingly good as you'd expect from a YA bestselling author. You will stay up all night reading this.'Gilded glitters as brightly as the stories and gold that Serilda and Gild spin' Kate Corr (The Corr Sisters), authors of The Witch's Kiss trilogy and A Throne of Swans duology'Forget spinning straw into gold, Meyer can spin words into magic and worlds into reality' Alexandra Christo, author of To Kill a Kingdom, Into the Crooked Place and City of Spells'The queen of fairy-tale retellings is back, this time with Rumpelstiltskin as her inspiration, and the result is a gorgeously intricate tale that will have readers locked in from the start [...] Meyer weaves an enchanting tale filled with whimsically magical moments and some serious suspense' Booklist'Meyer explores the power of fiction in this inventive Rumpelstiltskin reimagining [...] Intricate worldbuilding and star-crossed romance help temper the Erlking's brutality [...] well-drawn characters will leave readers craving a sequel' Publishers Weekly

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Katalógové číslo
Marissa Meyer
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
130 x 197 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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