Divergent Series Four-Book

Kniha: Divergent Series Four-Book - Veronica Roth
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Kniha: Divergent Series Four-Book

The internationally bestselling Divergent series that inspired major motion pictures starring Shailene Woodley. These special 10th anniversary editions features exclusive content from Veronica Roth and a beautiful reimagined cover art from award-winning illustrator Victo Ngai. DIVERGENT For sixteen-year-old Tris, the world changes in a heartbeat when she is forced to make a terrible choice.Turning her back on her family, Tris ventures out, alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs. Shocked by the brutality of her new life, Tris can trust no one. And yet she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her.The hardest choices may yet lie ahead.... INSURGENT As war surges in the factions of dystopian Chicago all around her, Tris attempts to save those she loves - and herself - while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love. In times of war sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become ever more irrevocable.Radical new discoveries and shifting relationships mean that Tris must fully embrace her Divergence - even though she cannot know what might be lost in doing so. ALLEGIANT What if a single revelation - like a single choice - changed everything?What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected? Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent. FOUR: A DIVERGENT COLLECTION Readers first encountered Tobias Eaton as "Four" in Divergent.His voice is an integral part of Allegiant. Readers will find more of this charismatic character's backstory told from his own perspective in Four: A Divergent Collection. When read together, these long narrative pieces illuminate the defining moments in Tobias Eaton's life.

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Katalógové číslo
Divergent Series Four-Book
Veronica Roth
Druh tovaru
132 x 170 x 204 mm
Sadzba DPH

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