A Modern Way to Live

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Kniha: A Modern Way to Live
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Kniha: A Modern Way to Live

Find happiness at home with five guiding principles from cultural phenomenon THE MODERN HOUSE. 'A source of fascination, inspiration and fantasy' GuardianIn 2005, childhood friends Matt Gibberd and Albert Hill set out to convince people of the power of good design and its ability to influence our wellbeing. They founded The Modern House - in equal parts an estate agency, a publisher and a lifestyle brand - and went on to inspire a generation to live more thoughtfully and beautifully at home.As The Modern House grew, Matt and Albert came to realise that the most successful homes they encountered - from cleverly conceived studio flats to listed architectural masterpieces - had been designed with attention to the same timeless principles: Space, Light, Materials, Nature and Decoration. In this lavishly illustrated book, Matt tells the stories of these remarkable living spaces and their equally remarkable owners, and demonstrates how the five principles can be applied to your own space in ways both large and small. Revolutionary in its simplicity, and full of elegance, humour and joy, this book will inspire you to find happiness in the place you call home.PRAISE FOR THE MODERN HOUSE:'Follow for some lust-worthy houses, even if you're not in the market to buy' Telegraph'The Modern House transformed our search for the perfect home' Financial Times'The Modern House sells the most incredible design-led homes in urban and rural locations in the UK' Evening Standard
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Katalógové číslo
A Modern Way to Live
Druh tovaru
235 x 181
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