The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Aim For Iconic, Rise To Legendary, Make History

Robin S. Sharma

GBR Anglicky HarperCollins Katalógové číslo: 418013


Kniha: The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Aim For Iconic, Rise To Legendary, Make History - 1. vydanie - Robin S. Sharma

Kniha: The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Aim For Iconic, Rise To Legendary, Make History

Aim for Iconic Rise to Legendary Make History For over twenty-five years, leadership legend and personal mastery trailblazer Robin Sharma has mentored billionaires, business titans, professional sports superstars and entertainment royalty via a revolutionary methodology that has caused them to accomplish rare-air results. Now, in this groundbreaking book, he makes this transformational system available to anyone ready for undefeatable positivity, monumental productivity, deep spiritual freedom and a life of helpfulness to many. In The Everyday Hero Manifesto you will discover: * The hidden habits used by many of the world's most creative and successful people to realize their visionary ambitions* Original techniques to turn fear into fuel, problems into power and past troubles into triumphs* A breakthrough blueprint to battle-proof yourself against distraction and procrastination so that you produce magic that dominates your domain* Pioneering insights on installing world-class routines, including rising early, achieving superhuman fitness and becoming the most disciplined person you know* Unusual wisdom knowledge to operate with far more simplicity, beauty and peace Part memoir on a life richly lived, part instruction manual for virtuoso-grade performance and part handbook for spiritual freedom in an age of high-velocity change, The Everyday Hero Manifesto will completely transform your life.Forever.
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The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Aim For Iconic, Rise To Legendary,…
Robin S. Sharma
1. vydanie
234 x 153 x 30
0,53 kg
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
Cena MOC
21,94 €
10,00 %
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