Moominland Midwinter

Kniha: Moominland Midwinter - Tove Jansson
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Kniha: Moominland Midwinter

A Fabulous Find from the Moomin ArchivesA classic Moomin Book with COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONSAnd a beautiful FOLD-OUT PANORAMAIn 1961, at the request of her Italian publishers, Tove Jansson created a unique new edition of Moominland Midwinter, the tale in which Moomin wakes from hibernation to contend alone with the mysterious world of winter. The text and internal line drawings of this much loved story were unchanged, but Tove added a beautiful new cover illustration and seven glorious full-page colour illustrations. This was the only Moomin title that she illustrated in colour and it has long been a prized item for collectors.For the first time, it is available in English. For this new Sort Of edition, Tove's nephew James Zambra restored the original cover and colour illustrations, along with a glorious fold-out panorama of characters from the book, which Tove Jansson painted for the first French edition. Sort Of Books have also added a back cover designed for the first Swedish edition of Moominland Midwinter, an image used on the first Puffin book, and a playful bookplate 'wreath' from the first German book.We believe this is the most beautiful Moomin book ever published!

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Katalógové číslo
Moominland Midwinter
Tove Jansson
Druh tovaru
220 x 172 x 22
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