Wean in 15


Kniha: Wean in 15
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Kniha: Wean in 15

Wean your baby with help from record-breaking cookbook author and proud dad Joe Wicks, the nation's favourite PE teacher. * All the reliable information you need to wean your baby from first foods to enjoying family mealtimes. * Packed with simple and trustworthy ideas Joe has drawn from his experience of weaning his daughter, Indie, combined with expert guidance from a leading registered nutritionist.* Features one hundred delicious, healthy and balanced recipes, from finger foods and purees to adapting your own favourite meals. Joe Wicks is responsible for getting the nation moving with his incredible record-breaking family-friendly workouts. Now he's turned his attention to making weaning - a daunting prospect for all parents - a happy and enjoyable time for the whole family.Whether you're a first-time parent or not, Wean in 15 guides you towards getting the best for your little one, from figuring out when to start weaning and how much food your child needs, to adapting your own meals for your child. Joe knows how difficult it can be to manage your time, so he also shows you how to prep like a boss with shopping lists and freezable items. With one hundred tasty recipes split into age stages, expert help with nutrients, allergies, supplements and fussy eaters, as well as knowing how to understand your child's signals, this is the only weaning guide you will ever need to lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy, happy eating.
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Katalógové číslo
Wean in 15
Druh tovaru
217 x 174 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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