Conspiracy of Bones

Kniha: Conspiracy of Bones - Kathy Reichs
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Kniha: Conspiracy of Bones

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'A thrilling read from one of my favorite writers' KARIN SLAUGHTER 'Read this book' DAVID BALDACCI 'One of the absolute best thrillers of the year' JEFFERY DEAVER 'You will find it hard to put down' MARK BOWDEN *** EVERY BODY HAS SECRETS It's sweltering in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Temperance Brennan, still recovering from neurosurgery following an aneurysm, is battling nightmares, migraines, and what she thinks might be hallucinations when she receives a series of mysterious text messages, each containing a new picture of a corpse that is missing its face and hands. Immediately, she's anxious to know who the dead man is, and why the images were sent to her. An identified corpse soon turns up, only partly answering her questions.To find answers to the others, including the man's identity, she must go rogue. With help from a number of law enforcement associates including her Montreal beau Andrew Ryan and the always-ready-with-a-smart-quip ex-homicide investigator Skinny Slidell, and utilizing new cutting-edge forensic methods, Tempe draws closer to the astonishing truth. But the more she uncovers, the darker and more twisted the picture becomes .. . ***Praise for A Conspiracy of Bones and Kathy Reichs: 'A Conspiracy of Bones shows off Kathy Reichs' dazzling new level of plotting mastery.A thrilling read from one of my favorite writers' KARIN SLAUGHTER, #1 internationally bestselling author of The Last Widow and The Good Daughter 'One of the absolute best thrillers of the year . . .A great series has just gotten greater' JEFFERY DEAVER, #1 internationally bestseller author of The Bone Collector and The Never Game 'Don't miss this one! The corpse is ghastly. The investigation is intense. So many pulse-pounding twists and surprises-it kept me guessing till the end!' R.L.STINE, bestselling author Goosebumps and Fear Street 'Tempe Brennan is back . . .You will find it hard to put down' MARK BOWDEN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Stone and Black Hawk Down 'Kathy Reichs writes smart-no, make that brilliant-mysteries that are as realistic as non-fiction and as fast-paced as the best thrillers about Jack Reacher or Alex Cross' JAMES PATTERSON 'Nobody does forensics thrillers like Kathy Reichs. She's the real deal' DAVID BALDACCI 'Every minute in the morgue with Tempe is golden' THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW 'Brennan is a winner, and so is Reichs' DAILY NEWS
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Katalógové číslo
Conspiracy of Bones
Kathy Reichs
Druh tovaru
198 x 130 mm
Sadzba DPH

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