A Rose Petal Summer

Kniha: A Rose Petal Summer - Katie Ffordeová
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Kniha: A Rose Petal Summer

The brand new heart-warming romance from the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Country Escape and A Secret Garden._______________________________IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO FALL IN LOVE... Caro Swanson has taken a job in a remote part of Scotland. She's answered an ad in The Lady: being a companion to an elderly gentleman who lives in a country estate could be perfect! Surely it's time to make a change and do something different for a while? The fact that she may also see Alec, the young man who she met some years previously and who she has always thought of as her 'one who got away', is of course purely incidental. Soon Caro is falling in love - not only with Alec but with the stunning country house she's now living in. But the estate is in financial difficulties, and Caro soon realises there's only one way to rescue it. So begins a magical romantic summer, one that will take Caro from Scotland to London and the south of France, in search of a classic lost perfume that might just restore all their fortunes. Romance, humour, a cast of warm and totally believable characters and the tantalising possibility of happily-ever-after? It must be a Katie Fforde novel._______________________________ The whole world loves Katie Fforde's work: "Modern-day Austen.Great fun" Red "Top-drawer romantic escapism" Daily Mail "Warm, brilliant and full of love" Heat "Delicious - gorgeous humour and the lightest of touches" Sunday Times "Effortlessly lovable, warm and fun" Closer "Curl up on the sofa with this book and dream... delightful" The Lady "Deliciously enjoyable" Woman and Home "Uplifting and delightful" Hot Brands Cool Places
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Katalógové číslo
A Rose Petal Summer
Katie Ffordeová
Druh tovaru
110 x 176 mm
Sadzba DPH

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