My Mum Tracy Baker


Kniha: My Mum Tracy Baker
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Kniha: My Mum Tracy Baker

A heart-warming tale of unconventional families and unconditional love; the perfect Christmas read for Jacqueline Wilson fans, young and old(er). Shortlisted in the UK Author Category in the National Book Awards 2018! _____Jacqueline Wilson's bestselling, ultra famous and TOTALLY BRILLIANT Tracy Beaker is BACK!! Tracy has returned, hand in hand with her daughter Jess, she's ready to make her childhood dreams come true. Jess and Tracy Beaker are the perfect team.They do everything together. Jess thinks Tracy is the best mum ever, even when she shouts at her teachers!Tracy has made the perfect home for Jess, leaving The Dumping Ground far behind her. Yes, their flat's a bit mouldy.It's only just big enough for two. And the Duke Estate is a bit scary. But it's their happy home.Until Sean Godfrey, Tracy's rich boyfriend, whisks them away to his mansion, life of fast cars and celebrity stardom. Will Jess's brilliant mum turn into a new person altogether? And will Tracy realise that her childhood dream might not be what she needs after all? Jacqueline Wilson is one of the most loved authors for a reason. Her characters never needed a cape, or a special power to be a hero to generations of children; just huge imaginations, a bit of fierceness and a big heart.And there is no hero fiercer or more iconic than Tracy. My Mum Tracy Beaker is a fantastic new story, reuniting readers with a much-loved old friend (and some old enemies. ..) Just like old times, it's packed full of illustrations from Nick Sharratt. _____ Praise for Tracy Beaker: `Wilson can still step effortlessly into the mind of a nine year old, and her chatty prose will sweep you along' - The Daily Telegraph `This warm-hearted story about the importance of family and friends is classic Jacqueline Wilson' - First News`[A] cosy woolly jumper of a book about wish fulfilment and its alternatives' - The Observer
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Katalógové číslo
My Mum Tracy Baker
Druh tovaru
198 x 129 mm
Sadzba DPH

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