Nigella Bites

Nigella Lawsonová

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2015

Kniha: Nigella Bites - Nigella Lawsonová
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Kniha: Nigella Bites

Nigella Collection: a vibrant new look for Nigella’s classic cookery books.‘Cooking isn’t performance art – or shouldn’t be. Make your food welcoming rather than fussy and remember that it’s not a test of your worth and acceptability: it’s just dinner, and can be easily delicious.’ Packed with fresh ideas and exciting new twists on old favourites, Nigella Lawson brings you mouthwatering but simple recipes to add flavour to your busy life – from quick family meals and easy suppers to dinner party menus and roast lunches. With luscious photography, evocative food writing and a beautiful hardback design, this is a book you will treasure for many years as well as a delicious gift for friends and family. All-Day Breakfast – recipes to start the day right, whatever time you get up! Comfort Food – from chocolate fudge cake to mashed potato TV Dinners – quick meals and simple snacks Party Girl – cupcakes, barbecue chicken and much more to help you celebrate in style Rainy Days – family meals to savour and share, and how to feel warm in the kitchen when it’s cold outside Trashy – kitsch in the kitchen and fun food Legacy – recipes from Nigella’s family Suppertime – dinner party ideas that let you relax Slow-Cook Weekend – the joys of slow roasting and languorous baking: roast pork, sticky toffee pudding and all the trimmings Templefood – recipes to refresh and restore, and make you feel serenely smug
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Katalógové číslo
Nigella Bites
Nigella Lawsonová
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
19.8 x 25.6 cm
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