Eleven Madison Park: The Next

Daniel Humm;Will Guidara

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2017

Kniha: Eleven Madison Park: The Next - Daniel Humm;Will Guidara
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Špeciálne zberateľské vydania

Špeciálne vydania pre zberateľov, podpísané autorom alebo celebritou, o ktorej je kniha napísaná. Pri týchto tituloch má… Zistiť viac...
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Kniha: Eleven Madison Park: The Next

From the world's #1 dining destination, New York's three-Michelin-starred restaurant Eleven Madison Park, comes a limited edition, signed and numbered, two-volume collection of more than 100 stories and watercolors (volume 1), and more than 100 recipes and food photographs (volume 2), from celebrated chef Daniel Humm and restaurateur Will Guidara. Daniel Humm and his business partner, Will Guidara, have made an indelible mark on the global dining scene with their award-winning restaurants The NoMad and Eleven Madison Park, which recently claimed the number one slot on the World's 50 Best Restaurants list. In their latest impressive contribution to high-end cookbooks, Humm and Guidara reflect on the last eleven years at Eleven Madison Park, the period in which this singular team garnered scores of accolades, including four stars from the New York Times, three Michelin stars, seven James Beard Foundation awards, and for Chef Humm, the 2015 chefs' choice award from a worldwide jury of his peers. In two highly appointed volumes, the authors share more than 100 recipes, stunning photographs, lush watercolor illustrations, and--for the very first time--personal stories from Chef Humm describing his unparalleled culinary journey and inspiration. Only 11,000 copies of this deluxe slipcase collection have been printed, and each edition is numbered and hand signed by the authors.
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Katalógové číslo
Eleven Madison Park: The Next
Daniel Humm;Will Guidara
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
27.3 x 29.8 cm
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