Christmas at the Cake Shop in the Garden

Kniha: Christmas at the Cake Shop in the Garden - Carole Matthewsová
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Kniha: Christmas at the Cake Shop in the Garden

Join Fay and her friends this Christmas and indulge in this wonderful, cake-filled novel of romance and friendship. Christmas Cakes and Mistletoe Nights is Sunday Times bestselling Carole Matthews doing what she does best! Perfect for fans of Jill Mansell and Milly Johnson. Fay and Danny are madly in love and it's all Fay's ever dreamed of. But she left everything - including the delightful cake shop she used to run - to be with Danny on his cosy canal boat The Dreamcatcher. And as she soon finds out, making delicious cakes on the water isn't always smooth sailing! Then Fay gets a call from her friends, a call that sends her back to where it all began, back to where she first met Danny, back to her friends and the Cake Shop in the Garden. It will be hard being away from Danny but their relationship is strong enough to survive . . . isn't it? Fay soon falls happily back in love with her passion for baking - especially now she's on dry land again! - and starts to wonder if she ever should have left. With Christmas around the corner, Fay is determined that her friends will have a very merry time, but does that mean even more time away from Danny? Can Fay really get everything she ever wanted in Christmas Cakes and Mistletoe Nights.
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Katalógové číslo
Christmas at the Cake Shop in the Garden
Carole Matthewsová
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
127 x 196 x 24
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Sadzba DPH

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