Color Science and the Visual Arts: A Guide for Conservations, Curators, and the Curious

Roy Berns

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: Color Science and the Visual Arts: A Guide for Conservations, Curators, and the Curious - Roy Berns
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Kniha: Color Science and the Visual Arts: A Guide for Conservations, Curators, and the Curious

"A curator, a paintings conservator, a photographer, and a conservation scientist walk into a bar." What happens next? In lively and accessible prose, color science expert Roy S. Berns helps the reader understand complex color-technology concepts and offers solutions to problems that occur when art is displayed, conserved, imaged, or reproduced. Berns writes for two types of audiences: museum professionals seeking explanations for common color-related issues and students in conservation, museum studies, and art history programs. The seven chapters in the book fall naturally into two sections: fundamentals, covering topics such as spectral measurements, metamerism, or color inconstancy; and applications, where artwork display, painting materials, and color reproduction are discussed. A unique feature of this book is the use of more than 200 images as its main medium of communication, employing color physics, color vision, and imaging science to produce visualizations throughout the pages. An annotated bibliography complements the main text with suggestions for further reading and more in-depth study of particular topics. Engaging, incisive, and absolutely critical for any scholar or student interested in color science, Color Science and the Visual Arts is sure to become a key reference for the entire field.
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Katalógové číslo
Color Science and the Visual Arts: A Guide for Con
Roy Berns
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
20.3 x 25.4 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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