Eighty Four Rooms

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: Eighty Four Rooms
Katalógové číslo: 294309 viac »
Ušetríte až 8,01 € z bežnej ceny 49,95
A navyše získate 41 vernostných bodov
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Kniha: Eighty Four Rooms

Hand-picked Alpine hotels and luxury lodgesAppealing ideas for every type of travelerIdeas for (winter) vacationers with excellent tasteTips that only multi-year visitors and locals know Once again, the winter edition of Eighty Four Rooms highlights select hotels and luxurious places to vacation. This time, the focus is on the Alps and its attractive opportunities for skiing and snow play. These carefully chosen accommodations have something for everyone, whether you’re looking for a laid-back ski vacation or a snowy locale the whole family can enjoy. The Local Guides include notes on ski slopes and trails, regional snowfall totals, and tips on other local wintertime activities. Special dining picks and information on the culinary scene are also included. The manager of Eighty Four Rooms, SEBASTIAN SCHÖLLGEN, studied Hospitality Management in Switzerland and Spain. After stints at the Ritz Carlton, the Villa Padierna in Marbella, the Swiss hotel Victoria-Jungfrau, and the Rocco Forte Hotel de Rome in Berlin, he realized his dream of starting his own agency, which now owns its offices in Düsseldorf-Oberkassel. The unusual name stands both for the year he was born and the number of hotels that his company has long since surpassed.
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Katalógové číslo
Eighty Four Rooms
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
24,6 x 32 cm
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