Assassins Creed: The Official Coloring Book

Kniha: Assassins Creed: The Official Coloring Book
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Kniha: Assassins Creed: The Official Coloring Book

Based on Ubisoft s highly popular Assassin s Creed franchise, this deluxe coloring book features line art and design of the iconic locations and scenes from the games as well as all the central protagonists from the series. Packed with intricate illustrations from the Assassin s Creed games, this stunning coloring book gives fans the opportunity to color their way through over eighty pages of Assassins and Templars. With complex designs inspired by the Jackdaw, the Notre Dame Cathedral from "Assassin s Creed: Unity, "the castle of Masyaf from "Assassin s Creed: Revelations," and of course, the signature hidden blade, " "this coloring book offers multiple patterns, images, and iconographyto fill with color."
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Assassins Creed: The Official Coloring Book
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