Talking As Fast As I Can

Kniha: Talking As Fast As I Can
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Kniha: Talking As Fast As I Can

A funny, intimate memoir by Lauren Graham, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls andParenthood, which recounts her experiences on Gilmore Girls - the first and second time - and shares stories about life, love, and working in Hollywood. Intimate, hilarious, and down-to earth, Talking As Fast As I Can is perfect for fans of Mindy Kaling, Amy Poehler and Amy Schumer. "This book contains some stories from my life: the awkward growing up years, the confusing dating years, the fulfilling working years, and what it was like to be asked to play one of my favorite characters again. You probably think I'm talking about my incredible achievement as Dolly in Hello, Dolly! as a Langley High School junior, a performance my dad called "you're so much taller than the other kids." But no! I'm talking about Lorelai Gilmore, who, back in 2008, I wasn't sure I'd ever see again. Also included: tales of living on a houseboat, meeting guys at awards shows, and that time I was asked to be a butt model. A hint: all three made me seasick."-Lauren Graham
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Talking As Fast As I Can
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