Architectural Drawings from the 13 to the 19 century

Kniha: Architectural Drawings from the 13 to the 19 century
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Kniha: Architectural Drawings from the 13 to the 19 century

This volume provides an overview of architectural drawings from the Middle Ages to the 19th centuries portraying the cultural habits, tastes and styles of each. The homes of the bourgeoisie in Vienna and London, the Sun King?s palace, the private residences of Italy?s oldest families all feature, as do places of worship that range from country churches to city cathedrals, royal chapels, solitary bell towers and large monumental complexes as well as the various transformations of St. Peter?s Basilica, the heart of Christendom. Sharply executed strokes of the pen evoke images of classic beauty as well as picturesque glimpses of hidden corners of Venice, bridges reflected in the water and buildings born of sheer fantasy. An awe-inspiring variety and richness of ideas and technical expertise.
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Architectural Drawings from the 13 to the 19 centu
Druh tovaru
Sadzba DPH

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